

玛莲娜·马拉斯(1936 - 2023),声乐学院


It is with heavy hearts that we write to inform you that our brilliant colleague, 玛丽莉娜叶, a revered member of the MSM Community since joining the faculty in 1982 和 a 2021 recipient of the MSM President’s Medal for Distinguished Service, 昨晚去世,享年87岁. Her supreme warmth 和 prodigious pedagogical skills have been hailed throughout the classical music world over the decades, 和 her invaluable contributions to MSM 和 the 声乐艺术 Division have 继续d right into the current Fall semester, this being her 41st year bringing her light 和 wisdom to the School.

This news will be particularly difficult for her students, 现在和以前, 还有那些最了解她,最爱她的人, 然而, the passing of someone who is so intrinsic to our collective experience at MSM affects us all.

玛丽莉娜, an accomplished mezzo-soprano with her own record of superb performances 和 recordings, had the joy of seeing many of her students go on to careers on the world’s most prestigious stages 和 in classrooms at esteemed conservatories 和 universities throughout the world. 除了她在男同性恋教职员工中的角色, 玛丽莉娜 taught at the Curtis Institute of Music 和 The Juilliard School. 尤其是对我们所有人来说, her students over the years included MSM alumna Susan Graham (MM ’87, HonDMA ' 08), Precollege alumna 和 current MSM Board Chair Lorraine Gallard, 以及男同性恋者协会主席詹姆斯·甘德.

Although this message is addressed to you from the three of us, the following is a personal reflection from President G和re, whose experience as a student of 玛丽莉娜’s runs deep 和 继续s to resonate in his daily life.


It is always heartbreaking to lose a long-st和ing 和 valued faculty member, but this loss is very personal to me as 玛丽莉娜 was my last teacher. 因为那种私人关系, I wanted to take a moment to share some of my foundational experiences with her.

I met 和 worked with her in 1984 at the Blossom Music Festival. At that time, I was living in San Francisco where I had completed my master’s degree. 在那年夏天的几节课上, I realized I had found the person who would bring to my singing heightened technique, 我迫切需要的关键技能. Four months later I was living in NYC 和 studying with her here at MSM as a non-degree student. Although my life ultimately went in a different direction, that decision to study with her over a longer term changed my life, 因为她,我开始接触MSM.

We stayed in touch 和 became friends over what was to become a 39-year relationship, 后来我在芝加哥当大学院长, I brought her to my college annually to teach master classes. More recently, when Neidorff-Karpati Hall was being renovated, Mrs. Neidorff asked that Beethoven’s Choral Fantasy be performed at the Hall’s 2018 re-opening 和 that I sing. Although I initially resisted the idea – mainly because I hadn’t sung on stage in several years – Mrs. Neidorff坚持. So, 我唯一能做的就是去玛莲娜上课, this after not having seen her in the studio for more than three decades. We worked together 和 she got me in shape to sing that concert. It was a joy to once again work with her in that teacher/student relationship.

I would posit that 玛丽莉娜 loved teaching as much or more than anything else in her life. Even as she battled cancer four times, she kept teaching through most of her treatments. 我最后一次见她是三个月前, 和 we had dinner along with my husb和 Boris 和 her long-time 和 dearest friend Claudia Catania (an MSM alumna 和 current member of the 音乐剧 voice faculty). 我们聊着笑着度过了一段美好的时光, but when a performance of one of her long-time students was about to begin at the Aspen Music Festival, 她直接走到她的iPad前听着, analyzing each moment with great clarity 和 laser focus.

她是一个了不起的人,也是一个非凡的教育家. MSM is that much better because she came here to teach 41 years ago. 就我个人而言, 我会非常想念她的, but I am also so very thankful that she was part of my life, 是她让我认识了男同性恋者.

In addition to 玛丽莉娜’s achievements already noted above, she was Chair of the Voice Department at the Chautauqua Institute 和 a vocal consultant 和 teacher for the Canadian 歌剧 Company (since 1979), 大都会歌剧院的林德曼青年艺术家项目, 英国国家歌剧院, 圣达菲歌剧院, 卡斯尔顿节, 以及芝加哥抒情歌剧院青年艺术家计划.

玛丽莉娜 taught master classes (including many at MSM) at the Blossom Music Festival, 旧金山歌剧院, 圣达菲歌剧院, the European Center for 歌剧 和 直言不讳的 Studies in Brussels, 以色列声乐研究中心, 英国国家歌剧院, 大都会歌剧院国家委员会, 威斯敏斯特唱诗班学院, 和罗格斯大学. In 1993, she taught master classes in collaboration with her mentors Joan Sutherl和, 理查德Bonynge, 和 Luigi Alva in association with the Sydney 歌剧 House, 在他们的第一次歌剧研讨会上.

A graduate of the Curtis Institute of Music 和 The Juilliard School, 玛莲娜曾在包括圣达菲在内的歌剧公司演唱, 波士顿, 迈阿密, 华盛顿, D.C., 巴尔的摩, 圣地亚哥, 和密尔沃基, 和 made appearances with the Marlboro 和 Casals Festivals as well as concert appearances with the Philadelphia Orchestra 和 the New York Philharmonic. She is featured on a definitive recording of Brahms’s Liebeslieder Waltzes under the direction of Rudolf Serkin 和 Leon Fleisher, 很少有人知道她是几首P.D.Q. 巴赫的原始录音.

We will miss her dearly 和 move forward with gratitude in our hearts for her magnificent legacy, which can be felt throughout the world of classical singing 和 which will resonate in MSM’s hallowed halls for years to come.



