September 26, 2023

MSM Student Spotlight:
Aaron Haettenschwillernewbb电子平台交响乐团演出, conducted by Leonard Slatkin, on September 28

Aaron Haettenschwiller (BM ’22, 硕士研究生二年级,师从罗伯特·波蒂,学习古典双簧管. 他在由Leonard Slatkin (HonDMA ' 13)指挥的MSM交响乐团音乐会中演出, MSM trustee) on Thursday, SEPT 28, at 7:30 PM in Neidorff-Karpati Hall.

我们在音乐会开始前和Aaron谈过了, 他讨论了他在斯拉特金大师手下演奏的经历,并向我们讲述了他到目前为止newbb电子平台的经历.

亚伦在马里兰州的巴尔的摩长大,10岁时开始演奏双簧管. 他就读于巴尔的摩艺术学院,并于2022年在newbb电子获得音乐学士学位. 他目前正在攻读硕士学位.


Aaron: 我认为这场音乐会的节目单很好,重点很连贯. The composers are all American to start, and furthermore, 每位作曲家都为交响乐形式带来了独特的外部声音. Duke Ellington’s Three Black Kings 有一个令人难以置信的广泛范围,从管弦乐到全爵士大乐队. 我们有一位很棒的爵士萨克斯独奏者, 我特别喜欢最后一乐章的绝对欣快感.

The contemporary work of the program, Mason Bates’s The B Sides, 与此相辅相成,它的电子混合, which is used to completely different effect in each movement; the last one sounds like a rave! 对我来说,那首曲子最精彩的部分绝对是第二乐章. I think it has an incredible atmosphere.

In the second half of the program, Hovhaness’s  Symphony No. 有时感觉就像我们在演奏文艺复兴时期的合唱音乐, 我觉得它给人的感觉很美.

Last but certainly not least, George Gershwin‘s American in Paris 是一部经典之作,我想大多数观众都知道,它之所以经典是有原因的. 古典音乐和爵士乐有着密切的共同过去,自20世纪初以来一直在相互对话, 我认为格什温在他们之间游走的方式——也许比其他任何作曲家都要好——很好地反映了他们之间的联系, 我认为这是结束这个项目的好方法.


Aaron: 斯拉特金大师在与管弦乐队合作时非常有耐心, 但他对每首曲子都有非常清晰的想法,并且能够清晰有效地将这些想法传达给管弦乐队.

“我认为这场音乐会有一个很棒的节目,非常有凝聚力," says Aaron Haettenschwiller(22届硕士,24届硕士,古典双簧管), center right in photo.


Aaron: MSM Opera Theatre is doing Benjamin Britten’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream later this semester. I love all of Britten’s operas, 我总是对MSM的歌剧作品印象深刻, so I am very much looking forward to that.

有一场管弦乐表演音乐会即将到来,其中包括 Schnittke’s Piano Concerto and Mendelssohn’s Symphony No. 那肯定是一场很棒的音乐会,人们也应该去看.

Outside of MSM, the New York Philharmonic is doing several concerts with pieces by György Ligeti 计划庆祝他的百岁生日, and as I am a huge fan of Ligeti’s music, 我肯定至少会参加其中的一些!


Aaron: I would say don’t be afraid to get help from teachers and fellow oboists; the oboe faculty at MSM are all incredible teachers and are very committed to helping the students here. 双簧管很有挑战性,他们有很多知识,他们非常乐意分享.

我的另一条建议是,在制作芦苇的过程中找到乐趣, 一些双簧管演奏者比其他人更容易, but everyone has struggles with reeds, 有一种方法让它成为一种更积极的体验会有很大帮助.

It can be through listening to music, podcasts, 在制作芦苇之前或之后直接做一些积极的事情, 甚至是你种植芦苇的地方看起来有多美观!

Making reeds at MSM: Aaron, upper right hand corner, 在2022年双簧片日,由男同性恋教职员工雪莉·塞拉赞助, William Short, and Reeds 'n Stuff.

“斯拉特金大师在与管弦乐队合作时非常有耐心, 但他对每首曲子都有非常清晰的想法,并且能够清晰有效地将这些想法传达给管弦乐队.”

What are you listening to right now?

Aaron: I’m always listening to so much music, 所以这个问题很难回答,但我会尽力回答:最近, I’ve been listening to a lot of Brahms, especially his second symphony, his Handel variations for piano, and Schoenberg他为管弦乐队所作的第一次钢琴四重奏的编曲是我个人最喜欢的. 我也听了很多弦乐四重奏,从 Beethoven to Schnittke.

Outside of classical, 我最近最着迷的是一张传统保加利亚音乐的专辑 Smithsonian Explorer Series. 我真的很喜欢这种不同的和谐方式!

I’ve also been listening to a lot of Frank Zappa, another Baltimore native. I especially love his albums Over-Nite Sensation and Jazz from Hell, and I also just listened to Cecil Taylor’s Unit Structures,其中有一些非常罕见的疯狂爵士双簧管.

Also, I recently attended a concert with John McLaughlin这首歌太不可思议了,让我掉进了一个兔子洞,听了很多 Zakir Hussain’s solo tabla performances. 然而,我最喜欢的一段是那场音乐会的开场, Bela Fleck performing a set of solo pieces. 其中最精彩的是令人难以置信的艺术表演 Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue for solo banjo!

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